Lace Closure vs Lace Frontal?

Lace Closure vs Lace Frontal?

Lace Closures and Lace Frontals can be confusing. I mean aren't they the same thing? What's the difference? Well there is a difference between the two and one typically works better depending on the style of hair you're wearing. Once you understand the difference you'll recognize them at first glance. 

Let's start with Lace Closures. Closures are a lace header (as I like to call them) can range in sizes 4x4, 5x5 (currently the most popular), and 7x7. It is great for the sewn down method. While Lace Frontals are a lace header that is usually 13" wide typically covering the frame of the hairline from ear to ear. This is great for styles that may require pulling the hair back or up (ex. pony tail).

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